Why choose Language Link?

We are passionate about protecting the rights of interpreters and providing them with a work environment that does not take their role for granted in the interpretation process.

Our remote interpreters are located in the United States, meaning they are able to provide the appropriate cultural competency when there are so many people of different nationalities that speak the same language but who share a common culture.

Welcome to a new era of unhindered healthcare communication.

Ensure you're never lost in translation.

The iW software – connecting care, one word at a time.

Say goodbye to convoluted language service systems; the iW software redefines the way healthcare providers engage with language services. It offers a one-stop portal that seamlessly transitions you through a spectrum of modalities - from in-person and video remote, to relay and text-based interpreting services - without the hassle of red tape or delays. With the iW software, language barriers dissolve into mere translations, providing clarity and efficiency in your every interaction.

Real-Time, Real Convenience.

Imagine verification that happens as swiftly as a conversation – our system offers check-in and check-out in real-time, with embedded GPS to ensure prompt billing without additional service charges. What was once a day-to-day struggle for punctuality and precision becomes a breeze with our foolproof, GPS-locatable interpreters.

Billing Bliss.

Automated invoicing is the antidote to administrative drudgery. iW triggers invoices in tandem with your schedule, eliminating the need for tedious, manual inputs. The result? Maximum efficiency and zero billing errors.

Safety at the Core.

The iW system doesn't just interpret; it protects. HIPAA-compliant with state-of-the-art security measures, our "A" grade SSL Labs application is fortified against cybersecurity threats, ensuring that the sanctity of patient data remains unassailable. We understand that PHI is sacred, and our provisions for anonymity and data stealth stand as a testament to the trust healthcare providers place in us.

Unrestricted Access, Unrivaled Integration.

With the iW software, access knows no bounds. The high availability architecture promises 24/7 uptime to meet your needs at any hour. Moreover, smart app integration seamlessly merges the iW software into your EHR platforms, like Epics, ensuring a comprehensive and connected approach to patient care and language support.

Cost-Effective Care.

Reducing language service expenses by a remarkable 54%, the iW software is not just an interpreter; it's your shrewd financial ally. By incorporating crucial elements such as last-minute event management and up-to-date credential monitoring for interpreters, we've engineered a solution that is equally at home in cutting costs as it is in upholding quality.

The Last Word.

Healthcare communication is a delicate dance between precision and empathy. The iW software strikes this balance effortlessly, ensuring that words do not just translate but also resonate. Where others might see a barrier, we see a bridge – a connection waiting to be made. Embrace the iW software, and explore a world of healthcare communication that is intuitive, immediate, and unerringly excellent.

Information about our CT Master Contract joint venture with Transfluenci.

Information for Interpreters

You can expect very few changes to your regular workflow as it is today, we will continue using and improving our scheduling system, interpretingWorks, and our payment conditions under this contract will follow our standard pay rates and policies.

Thank you all again for your continued support throughout the years and we hope that moving into the future we can continue to be a company worthy of that support.

Information for Providers

You can expect a few changes thanks to this union such as the expansion of our telephonic services in the form of additional telephone lines, offered at a low cost, due to this venture. Otherwise, the same interpreters will continue to work with you as they have in the past. We want you to know that we are here for you, our email interpretercoordinator@transfluenci.com or call 413-306-3630.